1970 Born in Mexico City MX
  Lives and works in New York, NY
Solo Exhibtions
2017 Museo Anahuacalli, Mexico City, MX
  Museo Nacional de Arte (MUNAL), Mexico City, MX
2016 Yῡgen, Blain Southern, London, UK
  Eigen+Art, Berlin, DE 
  Sahara, Carlos Tache Gallery, Barcelona, ES
  Fundación Antonio Perez, Cuenca, ES
2015 Rhus Verniciflua, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, JP
2014 Ag, Galeria Hilario Galguera, México City, MX
  The Last Day, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY
  En un lugar remoto, GE Galeria, Monterrey, MX
  Fractais, Galeria Fernando Santos, Porto, PT
  Obayashi Collection, YU-UN, Tokyo, JP
2012 Croatia, San Ildefonso, México City, MX
  Croatia, Museo de los Pintores Oaxaqueños, Oaxaca, MX
  Croatia, Museo de Arte de Ponce, PR
  ZnO, Tripoli Gallery of Contemporary Art, Southampton,  NY
  Iro  Miede, Taka Ishii Gallery, Kyoto, JP 
  Una Momentanea Perdita di Ragione, Project B, Milan, IT 
  Suspiro, Galería Álvaro Alcázar, Madrid, ES 
2011 Ubi sunt, The Pace Gallery, NY
  Un Largo Camino a Casa, Galería Hilario Galguera, México City, MX
  Bosco Sodi: Paintings, Galería Carles Taché, Barcelona, ES 
2010 Pangaea, The Bronx Museum, NY
  Here Comes the Sun, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, DE
2009 Galería Álvaro Alcázar, Madrid, ES
  Cervantino Festival, Guanajuato, MX
  Mexican Institute in Spain, Madrid, ES
  Galeria Hilario Galguera, Leipzig, DE
  Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, DE
  Galería Ysabel Pinyol, Barcelona, ES
2008 Galería Arte 92, Milano, IT
  Galería Juan Silió, Santander, ES
  Casa De Asia, Barcelona, ES
2007 Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, DE
  Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, Tokyo, JP
  MSSOHKAN Gallery, Kobe, JP
  Casado Santa Pau, Gallery, Madrid, ES
  Museo Internazionale delle Arti Applicate Oggi (MIAAO), Turin, IT
2006 ART GASPAR, Barcelona, ES
  Neuhoff Gallery, NY
  Galería D´art Torre Baró, La selva del Camp, ES
2005 Beneath the Unconscious, MSSOHKAN Gallery, Kobe, JP
  Beneath the Unconscious, Mexican Embassy in Japan and MSSOHKAN Gallery, Tokyo, JP 
2004 Hartmann Gallery, Barcelona, ES
  Diners Gallery, Bogotá, CO
  Cultural Center of the Embassy of Mexico in Portugal, Lisbon, PT
2003 El Color Como Materia, Oscar Román Gallery, México City, MX
  Chiostro Dei Pesci, Milan, IT
  Cultural Center of Guanajuato, MX
2002 Cultural Institute of Mexico in Spain, Madrid, ES
  Bcnet, Barcelona, ES
2001 Shatevin Art Gallery, Barcelona, ES
Selected Group Exhibitions
2016 Pena Garden Project, UNESCO World Heritage Sintra, PT
2015 Proportio, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, IT
  Museum of Stones, The Noguchi Museum, NY
2014 Carte Blanche, Pace Gallery at Chesa Büsin, Zuoz, CH
2013 Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Industry City, Brooklyn, NY
  Beyond Limits, Sotheby’s, Chatsworth House, Bakewell, UK  
2012 Eigen + Art, Berlin, DE
2011 Adventure in Wonderland, MDM Museum, Promenade du Port, Porto Cervo, IT
2008 Sevilla Biennial, Ars Fundum Collection, Sevilla, ES
2007 Sculpture Works, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, DE
  Paper Works, Galerie Kai Hilgemann, Berlin, DE
2005 Summer Group Exhibition, Sala Pelaires, Mallorca, ES
  Neuhoff Gallery, NY

Artcore Gallery, Toronto , CA

  Pretori Romá, VI Honda Painting Award, Tarragona, ES
  MDA Gallery, Helsinborg, DE
  Cultural Center Caixa de Girona, VI Honda Painting Award, Girona, ES
  Generacion de los 80, Gallery D´art Torre Baró, La selva del Camp, ES
  China International Gallery Exposition, Galería MSSOHKAN, Beijing, CN
2004 Public Library of Lleida (Honda Award 04), Lleida, ES
  Colectiva de Verano, Sala Pelaires, Mallorca, ES
2003 Dos Líneas, Oscar Román Gallery, México City, MX
  Pintura en Guerra, Art Gaspar Gallery, Barcelona, ES
  Ámbit Artístic Gallery, Cadaqués, ES
2002 Mexican Cultural and Educational Institute of Chicago, Chicago U.S.A
  Catalogue General Gallery, Bilbao, ES
  Oscar Román Gallery, Mexico City, MX
  Ekain Arte Lanak Gallery, San Sebastian, ES
2001 Shatevín Art Gallery, Barcelona, ES
2000 Pintando por la democracia, Exhibition Hall of the Federal Electoral Institute, Mexico City, MX